a certified DBE/SBE/WBE firm

central creative

relationships that build

Meet our team.

The Central Creative Team

We bring people together to make things happen. We work closely with public and private stakeholder groups, professional and community organizations, property owners, businesses, and neighborhoods during the planning, development, design, and construction of large infrastructure projects. We coordinate and disseminate information using innovative and creative techniques. Collaboration, efficiency and effective, consistent messaging are our strengths.

Kristin Darr


  • Facilitation
  • Partnering
  • Stakeholder and Public Outreach and Involvement
  • Event Planning
  • Project Management

Kristin’s has worked for more than 20 years across a variety of disciplines to message, plan and facilitate working groups, workshops, meetings, technical advisory committees and special events involving all types and levels of stakeholders including federal, state, regional, county and local government entities; private and community- based organizations; special interest groups; businesses and the public. Her project experience ranges from planning through design and construction of a wide range of capital improvement projects.

Kristin is a skilled facilitator and project manager. She brings people together and things get done.

She develops customized outreach and involvement strategies and designs project activities and materials to communicate the most important and relevant aspects of each project to affected individuals and groups. She has acted as project spokesperson on high-profile controversial projects, successfully interacting personally with residents, businesses, the media and stakeholders on behalf of clients to explain both project details and big-picture messages in a way that helps ease the impacts of projects and get across their benefits, developing positive relationships that last beyond each project.

Kristin recharges in the Arizona outdoors. You can find her every chance she gets, out there exploring on foot or on her dirt bike! She is an avid motocross fan and rider, and loves to hike Arizona. Her two doggies also keep her on her toes!

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science/Journalism, Metropolitan State University of Denver

Keryn Wilson


  • Business Operations
  • Contracting
  • Technical Editing

Since 2003, Keryn has managed the daily operations of the company including project billing, partner-vendor relationships, and contracts and budgets. When she’s not doing math, Keryn loves to put her English degree into practice as our technical editor and writer. Prior to joining Central Creative, she worked for seven years as a technical editor at a large engineering and environmental planning firm and managed the development and production of dozens of documents including large and complex environmental compliance documentation involving mulitdisciplinary teams of planners and scientists. As Central Creative’s elite jogger extraordinaire, you can often find Keryn running the streets and canals of Phoenix, practicing for her latest long-distance running event. She also enjoys the local craft beer scene as well as relentlessly posting photos on Instagram of her two gorgeous children.

Education: Bachelor of Arts in English, Arizona State University

David Black


  • Web Development
  • Spanish/English Interpreting and Translation

David Black is a seasoned project manager and expert at front-end web development and communication and marketing through the web. He uses HTML 5 and CSS 2 and 3, incorporating PHP and JavaScript. He has extensive experience partnering with the customer to improve UX (user experience) by focusing on creating intuitive and natural UI (user interface) from the inception of any project.

David specializes in providing comprehensive communication strategies by seamlessly integrating visual and verbal communication in print and online to most effectively communicate to an intended audience.

David is trilingual; he speaks English and Spanish with native fluency and German with conversational fluency.

Graham Walters


  • Construction Outreach
  • Graphic Design

Graham Walters is a valuable member of Central Creative's team and manages public relations for construction projects, including tracking construction activities with the contractor and team, determining notification areas and timing, developing and delivering notifications, and coordinating directly with residents and businesses in the field.

Graham also is our primary graphic designer. He designs brand and company identities, logos, menus, posters, brochures, forms and mailers, and newspaper and magazine advertising, from first impressions to ongoing campaigns, and from scratch-page templates to 30,000-run coffee table books. He is comfortable addressing multiple projects and media in a single day, and is enthusiastic—downright passionate—about design done well. Graham always has a cooperative, positive, project-oriented attitude. A master of project turnarounds of one hour to one year, he is invaluable to us as a strategic manager of time, talent, and workflow, and a turnkey liaison between clients, proofers, and specialty stationers and printers.

Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, Arizona State University

Ken Wilson


  • Construction Outreach

Ken is a public involvement specialist at Central Creative with 20 years of experience in public relations, sales, and marketing. Ken works with agencies and construction contractors to communicate directly with residents and businesses during construction of infrastructure projects. He has experience answering and responding to hotline calls from local community members and stakeholders, preparing and distributing project updates via email, mail, and/or door hanging, and talking with businesses and residents at or near construction sites. He works in the field to better understand access issues and address concerns as they arise, if not before. Ken's alter ego is as a beer sales representative and he is very involved in the local craft beer scene. He has also logged well over 100 miles hiking in the Grand Canyon and tries to get there as often as possible.

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ